Перевод: с баскского на английский

с английского на баскский

( talde)

  • 1 talde

    a. ( oro.) group; presio-\taldea pressure group; eztabaidatzeko \taldea discussion group; lagun-\taldea circle of friends; \taldearen burua the head of the group; lau ume-\talderen artean among four groups of children
    b. ( musika) group, band; lau ume-\talderen artean among four groups of children
    c. (Pol.) group; Europar parlamentuko \talde sozialista the socialist group of the European Parliament
    d. [ izenen aurrean ] group-; \talde-lana group work
    2. ( animaliei d.)
    a. ( ahuntzak, ardiak) flock; arkume-\taldea flock of lambs
    b. ( behiak, bufaloak, pizti handiak) herd
    c. ( mandoei d.) drove
    d. ( txakurrei d.) pack
    e. ( lehoiei d.) pride
    f. ( antzarei d.) gaggle
    g. ( eperrei d.) covey
    h. ( ahateei d.) flock
    i. ( erle, euli, matxinsaltoei d.) swarm; euli \talde handiak etorri ziren great swarms of flies came
    j. ( arrainei d.) school
    a. group; kontsonante-\taldea consonant cluster
    b. Med. group; odol \taldea blood group
    4. (irud.) Arana Goiri eta Azkue ez ziren \talde berekoak euskarari buruz Arana Goiri and Azkue were not of the same school of thought as far as Basque was concerned

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > talde

  • 2 talde

    group, legion

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > talde

  • 3 dantzari-talde

    iz. group of dancers, dance group

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > dantzari-talde

  • 4 jende talde

    iz. throng, crowd, multitude

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jende talde

  • 5 kantari-talde

    iz. singing group, chorus

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kantari-talde

  • 6 aditz

    iz. (Gram.)
    1. verb; \aditza orainalditik lehenaldira aldatu! change the verb from the present to the past!; euskal \aditza oso interesgarria da the Basque verb is very interesting; \aditz arazle causative verb; \aditz bakun simple verb; \aditz bihurkor reflexive verb; \aditz elkartu compound verb; \aditz erro-anitzeko multi-radical verb; \aditz iragangaitz intransitive verb; \aditz iragankor transitive verb; \aditz laguntzaile auxiliary verb; \aditz norgabe impersonal verb; \aditz partikuladun phrasal verb; \aditz pasibo passive verb; \aditz perifrasiko periphrasic verb; \aditz trinko synthetic verb; \aditzaren elipsi ellipsis of the verb; egoera-\aditz stative verb; ekintza-\aditz verb of action; jarrera-\aditz verb of attitude
    2. [ izenen aurrean ] verb-, verbal ; \aditz-aspektu verbal aspect; \aditz-atzizki verbal suffix; \aditz-aurrizki verbal prefix; \aditz-ekintza verbal action; \aditz era verb form; hitanozko \aditz era allocutive verb form; \aditz-izen verbal noun; \aditz-itzulinguru verbal periphrasis; \aditz-joko verb conjugation; \aditz-modu verbal mode; mood; \aditz-morfema verbal morpheme; \aditz-osagarri verbal object |verbal complement; \aditz-sintagma verb phrase; \aditz-sistema verbal system; \aditz-talde verb group

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aditz

  • 7 andana

    1. (I) ( talde) group; hegazti-\andana bat a flock of birds; \andanaka heldu ziren herrira they flocked into the town
    2. (I) ( errenkada, ilada)
    a. line; \andanan in a line
    b. string; argi \andana bat a string of lights; hitz \andana bat a string of words
    a. series; gero bihurgune \andana bat iragan behar dute then they have to negotiate a series of curves
    b. ( leinua) lineage
    a. ( mordoa) deal; \andana handia du he' s got a great deal
    b. Zer duk izena? Eta ihardetsi zuen — \andana: zeren anitz deabru bat baitziren gizon hartan sartuta (Bibl.) what is thy name? — Legion: many devils were entered into him
    c. part, allotment; mahats \andana bat bildu nuen denbora onean I gathered an allotment of grapes over a period of time
    5. (NG) Nekaz. ( uzta) harvest

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > andana

  • 8 ar

    1. male Oharra: ikus oharra female sarreran talde horretan \arrek agintzen dute in that group males dominate
    2. [ izenen aurrean ] male; \ar-titi male teat io.
    a. (Biol.) male; asto emearen kume \arra the male offspring of a female donkey; elefante ar male elephant, bull elephant
    b. (Bot.) male; landare \arrak male plants
    2. Tek. male

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ar

  • 9 buruzagi

    1. leader; Estatuaren \buruzagia the head of State | the leader of the State
    2. (talde armatua, e.a.)
    a. leader, commander
    b. (tribuari d.) chief, chieftain; tribuaren \buruzagia the tribal chief
    c. warlord

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > buruzagi

  • 10 dantzari

    1. dancer
    2. [ izenen aurrean ] \dantzari-talde dance troupe; \dantzari-txapelketa dance contest io. dancing; neska \dantzaria a dancing girl

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > dantzari

  • 11 ekintza

    a. act, action, undertaking; hitzetatik ekintzetara igaro to shift from words to action; \ekintzak adierazten dituzten aditzak verbs which express action
    b. ( heroitasunez, maitasunez egindakoa) deed, feat; euskararen aldeko \ekintza guzietan in every act done on Basque's behalf; Hannibalen \ekintza gogoangarriak Hannibel's memorable feats; geure buruarekin benetan pozago egon nahi badugu, maitasunezko \ekintzak egin behar ditugu if we really want to feel better about ourselves, we should do deeds of kindness
    c. Leg. act; delituzko \ekintza criminal act
    d. [ izenen aurrean ] action-; \ekintza-talde action group; \ekintza-gizona a man of action
    2. \ekintzak activities; kultur-\ekintzak cultural activities

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ekintza

  • 12 ele

    1. ( hitza) formala.
    a. word; \eletik \elera by talking; solasean hasi ziren eta \eletik \elera jakin zuen ez zela egia they struck up a conversation and in talking he found out it wasn't true; \ele gutxi zen he was a man of few words
    b. (esa.) \eleak eta beleak banatu to give people a lot to talk about; \ele ederrez ari da he's being long-winded; \ele ederreko rhetorical
    a. ( esamesak) gossip, idle talk; \ele bat da hori that's all just talk; \elea bere amarekin kontatu dit she told me all about i; \ele\\\elegaizto badmouthing
    b. ( istorioa) story, anecdote; \ele {gizenak || ausartak} dirty stories
    3. ( solasa) chat, conversation; elkarrekin \ele eta \ele joan to be engaged in conversation
    4. ( hizkuntza) formala. language, vernacular; \elebidun bilingual; \ele askodun multilingual, polyglot
    5. (G) ( borroka) fight, row, dispute
    a. ( ganaduari d.) herd
    b. ( talde) herd ; idi \ele herd of oxen
    c. ( gizapilo) crowd; gizon \ele bat a crowd of men
    2. ( kopuru handi) abundance, multitude, bevy

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ele

  • 13 ezta

    junt. (= ez eta)
    1. not even; ez da Lekeitiokoa, \ezta Bizkaikoa ere (s)he isn't from Lekeitio, not even from Biscay; ez du erretzen, \ezta edaten ere (s)he neither smokes or even drinks; dirurik? — ez — etxerik? — \ezta ere have you got any money? — no, I haven't — a home? — that neither
    2. (+ baldintza) not that; ondo harrotuta dabiltza talde horren zaleak, \ezta liga irabazi balute ere! that team's fans are a proud lot, not that they've ever won the league!
    ad. = ez da? isn't it?; oso ona da, \ezta? it's good, isn't it?; etorriko dira, \ezta? they'll come, won't they?; etorri ziren, \ezta? they came, didn't they?; egingo lukete, \ezta? they would do it, wouldn't they?

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezta

  • 14 flota

    2. Aeron. fleet

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > flota

  • 15 gudari

    a. ( oro.: soldadua) soldier
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \gudari-talde squad of soldiers
    2. (Hist.) Basque soldier; Euzko \gudariak Basque soldiers

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gudari

  • 16 heriotza

    1. death, demise; berezko \heriotza natural death; betiko \heriotza eternal death | death for eternity; heriotzeraino until death ; gorputzaren \heriotza physical death; espirituaren \heriotza spiritual death
    b. ( \heriotza jakin bat) death; urkamendiko \heriotza death at the scaffold ; haren \heriotzaren mendeurrena the centennial of his death; e-r \heriotzaren azpian debekatu to forbid sth by pain of death
    c. ( animaliena) death; zaldiaren \heriotzaa the horse's death
    d. ( gauza, hizkuntza) extinction, demise, death; bide horretatik doa gure hizkuntza by following that road our language is heading for its demise
    e. [ izenen aurrean heriotz ] death-; \heriotza-epai death sentence; \heriotza talde death squad
    2. ( Herio) Death; \heriotzak eraman zuenean when death took her; H\heriotza izugarriaren atzaparretan in the clutches of a dreadful death; O H\heriotza, non dago hire eztena? Oh Death, where is thy sting?

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > heriotza

  • 17 kontrako

    1. ( p.)
    a. \kontrakoa izan to be opposed; aldaketen \kontrakoa da he's opposed to change; guztiz \kontrakoa naiz I'm totally opposed to it
    b. ( lehiakidea) competitor, opponent
    c. ( etsaia) adversary, enemy, foe, antagonist
    a. backlash, reaction; \kontrakoa hartu to go on the offensive
    b. \kontrakoari ekin to maintain an opposite opinion | to take an opposite view
    3. ( alderantzizkoa) opposite, antithesis formala. ; \kontrakoa egingo nuke I'd do the opposite il.
    a. ( kontra dagoena) against t; Espiritu Santuaren \kontrako bekatuak sins against the Holy Spirit ; demokraziaren \kontrako etsairik amorratuena the most vehement foe of democracy; hori egitearen \kontrakoa naiz I'm against doing that ; elkarren \kontrakoak dira they're against each other | they're mutually antagonistic
    b. \kontrako aldetik from the opposite side; \kontrako indarrak opposing forces ; \kontrako iritziak dituzte they have {contradictory || contrary || opposing} opinions
    c. Kir. opposing; \kontrako talde the opposing side
    2. anti-; indarkeriaren \kontrako taldeak anti-violence groups; juduen \kontrako liburuak {anti-Jewish || anti-Semitic} books; ; gobernuaren \kontrako gorrotoa handiu zen hate for the government increased
    3. counter; \kontrako eraso counterattack; \kontrako neurriak hartuko dituzte they'll take counter-measures; \kontrako manifestaldi counter demonstration
    4. Anat. \kontrako eztarri esphagus; janari puxketa bat \kontrako eztarritik joan zaio a little piece of meat went down the wrong way
    5. ( kaltegarria) contrary, counter to; herriaren interesen \kontrakoa da it is {contrary || counter} to the country's interests
    6. Met. head-; \kontrako haize headwind
    7. \kontrako giltza skeleton key

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kontrako

  • 18 kutsu

    a. ( aztarna) trace, vestige; eztia husten duzunean, gelditzen zaio beti ere ontziari zenbait hondar edo \kutsu when you empty it of honey, there's always some remnant or aftertaste left behind in the vessel; etsaien etxeen \kutsurik bat ere gelditu gabe without leaving any trace of the enemies' houses behind
    b. ( erlikia) remains; ongi nahi diegun zeruko santuen edozein \kutsu asko estimatzen dugu we greatly appreciate any relic of the heavenly saints of whom we are so fond
    c. (irud.) bizimodu gaiztoak ariman uzten dituen \kutsu gaiztoak the evil traces that an evil lifestyle leaves in the soul; lotsaren \kutsurik ez dute they're not the least bit ashamed; ez du bere aitaren \kutsurik ere he doesn't look like his father in the very least; gogo \kutsurik gabe without the slightest inclination
    d. ( irud.) zalantza \kutsurik gabe without the slightest doubt
    a. ( mantxa, narrioa) taint, mark
    b. (irud.) taint; aiena itzazu nigandik bekatuaren \kutsuak keep me away from the taint of sin; zuetarik bekatu \kutsurik gabe enea jaurti biezaio lehen let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone
    a. contagion, taint; e-i \kutsua eman to contaminate sth; \kutsua hartu to be contaminated; nafarreria, sendatuz gero, uzten zuen bere ondotik ere, zenbait \kutsu smallpox, once overcome, usually left some taint in its wake
    b. infection
    c. (NG) (i zurritea) epidemic, plague
    a. ( izaera, tankera) character, trait; -(r)i \kutsua eman to set the tone for ; auzoko \kutsua, onerako zein txarrerako, itsaskorra da the character of the town, for better or worse, grows on you apaiztegiko \kutsua ez zaizula joan ezagun da it's obvious that character you got while at the seminary hasn't rubbed off; talde hori antzinako klasikoen \kutsua euskal letretan txertatzeko sortu zen that group was formed to implant the temperament of the ancient classics in Basque letters; herri \kutsua duten bertsoak verses with a touch of the folk tradition; herri horrek euskal \kutsua badu that town does have a Basque character to it
    b. ( hizkerari d.) accent, intonation, inflection; Zarauzko (hizkeraren) \kutsua hartu duzu you've taken on a bit of a Zarautz accent
    5. ( zaporea) taste; \kutsu latza du it's got a sour taste; \kutsu ona du it's got a good taste; erre \kutsua burnt aftertaste; eltzeak luzaro edukiz berrian hartzen duen usaina eta \kutsua the pot keeps the smell and taste of a new pot for a long time
    b. ( irud.) ( gustua) alprojen \kutsu duen janzkera bat a rakish manner of dress; asmoz, \kutsuz, eta jantziz by design, in taste and in dress
    6. ( ondarea, jarauntsia)
    a. inheritance; \kutsurik utzi al dizu? did he leave you any inheritance?
    b. ( irud.) heritage, legacy; arbasoen \kutsua gorde egin behar da we must preserve our forefathers' heritage
    7. Sukal. ( zukua) broth; urdaiaren \kutsuan busti ditugu xerrak we dipped the steaks into a bacon broth
    8. ( pittin) bit; \kutsua edan dut I drank a little bit; ene \kutsua kendu zidaten my little bit was taken away from me
    9. ( partaidetza) participation, part; e-tan \kutsu izan ( du/ad.) to have a part in sth; horretan ez dut \kutsurik I play no part in that
    10. ( hondarra, hondakina)
    a. ( esneari d.) dregs
    b. ( ardoari d.) dregs, lees
    c. ( hondakina) sediment, settlings io. ahaide \kutsu distant relative; oraindik \kutsukoak gara we're still distantly related

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kutsu

  • 19 lan

    a. ( oro.) work; etxean zer \lan egiten duzu? what work do you do at home?; irakasleei \lana errazteko in order to make the work easy for teachers; irakurleei \lana errazteko to make it easy for readers; esku\lan handy work; gaueko \lan i. night work ii. ( oro.) Lagunart. smuggling; taldeko \lan team work, group work; \lan arin light work; \lan aspergarri {boring || tedious} work; \lan handi a lot of work; \lan nekagarri {tiresome || wearisome} work, backbreaking work; \lan xehe menial work; \lan zail painstaking work; \lan eta \lan ari da he's working his tail off; \lanean ari dira they're working; \lanean hasi zen he started working; \lanean leher egin to work one's {head || tail} off | to work o.s. to death
    b. ( nekea) toil, labour (GB), labor (USA) ; forced labor (USA) ; \lan behartu forced labour (GB), forced labor (USA)
    c. (esa.) hau \lana! what a bother! (GB) | how terrible! | what a bummer! (USA) Argot. ; ez naiz mutil ederra, hau \lana! I'm not a handsome boy, {what a bother || what luck!}!; \lan eta \lan beti always working and working
    d. [ izenen aurrean ] work-; \lan-talde work group; \lan-tresnak work tools
    a. ( lan egitea) work; \lanaren bila dabil he's looking for work; \lanera joan to go to work; \lanetik bizi behar da you have to live from working; \lanetik etxera joan to go from work to home; \lanik eza lack of work; \lanik gabekoak the jobless; ongi \\ gaizki saritutako \lana well-paid \\ poorly paid work
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] work, working; \lan-orduak working hours
    c. baserri-\lanetan ari da he's doing farm work
    d. (esa.) \lan lasterra, \lan alferra (atsot.) haste makes waste (atsot.)
    3. ( \lan bat, \lana)
    a. ( lanpostua) job; i-i \lana eman to give sb a job | to employ sb; \lana utzi zuen he quit his job; \lan bat hasi to start a job; etxez etxe saltzen ibiltzea da bere \lana his job is going around and selling door to door
    b. ( eginkizuna) task, job, assignment
    4. (Pol.) (Ind.)
    a. labour (GB), labor (USA) ; labour; kapitala eta \lana capital and labour; \lanaren irabaziak earnings from labour
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] labour- (GB), labor- (USA) ; \lan arazoak labour problems; \lan-banaketa division of labour; \lan hitzarmenak labour agreements; L\lan Ministeritza i. Ministry of Labour ii. (USA) Department of Labor
    a. work; I. Kant-en \lan hautatuak selected works of I. Kant; Goethe-ren L\lan Guztiak the Complete Works of Goethe; haren azken \lana irakurri nahi dut I want to read his latest work
    b. (Arteg.) zur-\lan wood work; har-\lan stone work
    6. \lanak [ izen plurala ] works; herri-\lanak public works
    7. ( naturako indarrari d.) force; uraren \lanaren ondorioak the effects of the force of water; pozoiak bere \lan egin zuen the poison took effect
    8. Fis. work; \lana kilogrametan neurtuta work measured in kilograms
    9. ( zailtasuna) sinesteak \lana du it's hard to believe; \lanak eman zizkidan hori egiteak it was hard for me to do that; \lanak izango dituk hori egiteko it'll be hard for you to do that
    10. ( kaltea) \lanean ezartzen nauzu you're putting me in a bind
    11. Nekaz. early wheat harvest

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > lan

  • 20 nahasgarri

    iz. ( zalia) ladle io.
    1. tangled, confused; modu \nahasgarrian confusingly | in a confused way
    a. that turns; ustel-usain barren-\nahasgarria a stench of rot that can turn the stomach
    b. agitating; talde \nahasgarria a rabble-rousing group

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > nahasgarri

См. также в других словарях:

  • talde — {{#}}{{LM T37024}}{{〓}} {{[}}talde{{]}} ‹tal·de› {{■}}(eusk.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Grupo terrorista de apoyo. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [tálde]. {{★}}{{\}}ORTOGRAFÍA:{{/}} Debe escribirse con cursiva u otra diferenciación gráfica …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • TALDE — abbr. TALigent Development Environment (Taligent) Syn: TalDE …   United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

  • TalDE — abbr. TALigent Development Environment (Taligent) Syn: TALDE …   United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

  • TalDE — Taligent Development Environment …   Acronyms

  • TalDE — Taligent Development Environment …   Acronyms von A bis Z

  • Halo-halo — (from Tagalog halo , mix mix ) is a popular Filipino dessert that is a mixture of shaved ice and milk to which are added various boiled sweet beans and fruits, and served cold in a tall glass or bowl. There is no specific recipe for this dessert …   Wikipedia

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  • Top Chef (season 4) — Infobox Television Top Chef season name = Top Chef: Chicago caption = The contestants of Top Chef Season 4 first aired = March 12, 2008 last aired = June 11, 2008 filming started = Late 2007 filming completed = winner = Stephanie Izard number… …   Wikipedia

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  • Taligent — (a portmanteau of Talent and Intelligent)[1] was the name of an object oriented operating system and the company dedicated to producing it. Initially started as a project within Apple Computer to produce a replacement for the Mac OS, it was later …   Wikipedia

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